What is Athena / Athena Begin?

This project addresses the vulnerability of people with disabilities to become victims of abuse. In particular, domestic violence and gender-based violence (DV/G-BV). Offer resources and tools to professionals who assist women with intellectual disabilities victims of domestic violence, and empower the victims themselves to improve their quality of life by developing their skills and abilities.
This needs to address the situation to identify hidden realities, to tackle them professionally and effectively, and to minimise any secondary victimisation that these people may suffer during the process.


  • Development of the content;
  • Train professionals involved in the care of victims of DV/G-BV;
  • Content for prevention;
  • Guidelines for different actions;
  • Implementation of a new training method for professionals;
  • Numerous prevention workshops that are directed towards people with disabilities who may be at risk of suffering DV /G-B V.

Beneficiaries direct and indirect from the project:

  • Women and men with intellectual disabilities: 2800;
  • Professionals (healthcare, psychologists, social workers, jurists, police agents, caregivers): 600;
  • Others (policy makers and general public): 7140.

Expected results:

  • Development of training materials to improve the competences of professionals for the protection and support of women with intellectual disabilities;
  • Capacity building for professionals;
  • Handbook, on preventing and building awareness of VD/G-B V , for professionals who work with people with ID;
  • Organization of prevention workshops for people with ID;
  • Development of a Guideline with recommendations in attention to women with disabilities, victims of DV/G-BV, to include within the action protocols already established by the pertinent authorities in the area of DV/G-BV.

Deliverables to be produced:

  • Research: Needs Analysis Reports and State of art document
  • Tools and resources: Training material, handbook, guidelines and Short booklet;
  • Dissemination material.